
Les Relations des Jésuites contiennent 6 tomes et défont le mythe du bon Sauvage de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et aussi des légendes indiennes pour réclamer des territoires, ainsi que la fameuse «spiritualité amérindienne».

mercredi, juin 06, 2007


by Louis Even (Rougement, Quebec)
The first explorers of Western Canada, up to the Rocky Mountains, were French Canadians. Manitoba was founded by French-Canadian colonists settled along the Red River. Northern Alberta - the Peace River and St. Paul areas, regions in the north and south of Saskatchewan, all of Northern Ontario, Southeast Ontario and many places in the south of this province - were opened and are still inhabited by French Canadians. About half of the population of New Brunswick is French Canadian.

Well, the separatists in Quebec want to give all of it up. They want the French Canadians to be confined in a 'reserve' called Quebec. They want one million of their fellow French Canadians living outside Quebec to become foreigners.

It was also people from New France who were the first to explore the United States, west of New England, and founded settlements there. But they did not abandon this expansion themselves; it was a war between France and England - which was lost by France - that forced them to give up these territories. On the contrary, the separatists in Quebec are ready to wage a war to be confined to the province of Quebec. The separatists are megalomaniac. Idiots!

In opposition to that, a French Canadian that is worthy of his ancestors wants to be at home from coast to coast, from Newfoundland to Vancouver. To be at home, just as he is in the province of Quebec. It is for that goal that he is ready to fight. If his rights are denied, he will fight to claim or keep them. He does not want to be stuck to the east of the Ottawa River.

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