
Les Relations des Jésuites contiennent 6 tomes et défont le mythe du bon Sauvage de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et aussi des légendes indiennes pour réclamer des territoires, ainsi que la fameuse «spiritualité amérindienne».

samedi, février 02, 2008

157-166 AIDS

by J.L. Read (Washington)
Dans cet article sur le SIDA, il y a une idée préconçue à propos des homosexuels: ils forment un groupe ethnique, ils sont donc une minorité. La prémisse est fausse pour plusieurs raisons.

L’homosexualité est acquise, non transmise par un gène. Les homosexuels ont essayé de trouver un trait héréditaire à l’homosexualité, toujours sans succès.

Pour que les homosexuels soient une minorité à part, il faudrait que tous les homosexuels aient des traits communs. Ce n’est pas le cas; il y a des homosexuels de toutes races ou ethnies. Leur seul trait commun se résume à leur déviance sexuelle. Il y a des pédophiles, des zoophiles, des alcooliques, des voleurs pathologiques et des gens qui souffrent de pathologies dans toutes les races. Cela ne fait pas d’eux autant de minorités.

Alors que les homosexuels ne sont que 2% de la population, sauf en prison et dans les bars homosexuels, ils veulent nous faire croire qu’ils sont nombreux, soit 10% de la population. Ils ne peuvent pas le prouver, mais ils aiment ce mensonge car il sert bien leur poussée politique. Aussi, en prenant leur propre mensonge au vol, ils ne pourraient plus prétendre être une minorité.

Un deuxième point les concernant dans cet article, serait qu’ils sont visés pour la disparition. C’est de la foutaise. Les homosexuels ne se reproduisent pas; ils recrutent, surtout chez les jeunes. Donc, pas besoin de les viser tout spécialement.

Un autre mythe à propos des homosexuels en Allemagne nazi, est qu’Hitler aurait voulu les exterminer. Les homosexuels aiment bien cette légende. La vérité est moins pathétique. Hitler lui-même était homosexuel. Les hauts gradés SS étaient homosexuels et ils tenaient leurs réunions dans des bars homosexuels de l’Allemagne. Hitler n’a jamais passé de loi contre les homosexuels. Ils tuaient ses ennemis politiques qui étaient souvent ses anciens amis ou amants en les accusant d'être homosexuels,
Les premières victimes des chambres à gaz n’étaient pas des Juifs, une autre race ou les homosexuels. Hitler a commencé par faire tuer les enfants difformes ou malades dans les institutions. Je vais d’ailleurs y revenir dans le chapitre sur le merveilleux monde du communisme.

Ce qui est surprenant dans cet article pourtant bien documenté, c’est que l’auteur ne mentionne pas l’avortement qui fait beaucoup plus de morts que le sIDA ou autre épidémie. Il faut comprendre que les homosexuels ne se font pas avorter puisqu’ils ne se reproduisent pas.

Je suis porté à croire que l’auteur serait homosexuel. S’il ne l’est pas, sa façon de laisser certains faits, comme l’avortement, de côté et de prendre la peine d’offenser les véritables races qui ont vraiment souffert par le passé et présentement en mettant les homosexuels, un comportement malsain et déviant, sur le même pied qu’elles.
En ce qui concerne les maladies qui ravagent les homosexuels, même la Bible en parle. Les textes de la Bible sont plusieurs fois millénaires et elle nous enseigne que leur comportement a des effets directs sur leur santé morale et physique. Ils ont des partenaires multiples. Aucun gouvernement, même le plus sanguinaire, n’a besoin de chercher un moyen de les faire mourir. Les homosexuels le font déjà très bien eux-mêmes.
L’homosexualité n’est pas une condition fixée. Des milliers d’homosexuels laissent ce style de vie pour ne jamais y revenir.

Un de mes amis, celui qui m’avait prêté le livre, connaît le docteur canadien en question qui guérit le cancer. Si je me souviens bien, il habite Ottawa. Je ne sais pas s’il pratique toujours.
Jacques Clouseau
In this paper about AIDS, there is a homosexual urban legend imbeded among the infomation given, that the homosexuals constitute an ethnic group, a race or a minority as understood generally speaking. The premise is false for several reasons.

Homosexuality is acquired, not passed on from generation to generation. The homosexuals tried to find a hereditary feature in the homosexuality, always unsuccessfully.

For the homosexuals to be a minority, it would be necessary that all homosexuals have common features or homosexual genes. It is not the case; there are homosexuals of any races or ethnic groups. They only share in common their sexual abnormality. There are pedophiles, zoophiles, alcoholics, pathological swindlers and people who suffer from pathologies in all races. It does not make of them so many minorities.
While the homosexuals are only 2 % of the population, but in prison and in homosexual bars, they want to persuade us that they are numerous, are 10 % of the population. They can not prove it, but they love this lie because it well serves their political push. So, by buying their own lie, they could not claim any more to be a minority.

A second point concerning them in this article, would be that they are aimed for the disappearance. It is a nonsense. Homosexuals do not reproduce; they recruit, especially the young people. So, there is no need to aim at them specially.

Another myth about the homosexuals in Nazi Germany, is that Hitler would have wanted to exterminate them. Homosexuals like this legend. The truth is less poignant. Hitler himself was homosexual. The high-ranked SS officers were homosexuals and they held their meetings in homosexual bars of Germany. Hitler has never passed a law against the homosexuals. He killed his political enemies who were often his former friends or lovers by accusing them of being homosexuals. The first victims of gas chambers were not Jews, another race or the homosexuals. Hitler began by killing the deformed or ill children in institutions. I will write more about this topic in the chapter covering the magnificent world of communism.

What is surprising in this article nevertheless well informed, it is that the author does not mention abortion which makes much more deaths than AIDS or other epidemics. One must understand that homosexuals do not abort because they do not reproduce.

I am inclined to believe that the author would be a homosexual. If it is not the case, the way of leaving certain facts, as abortion, aside and to take the opportunity to offend the real races which suffered really in the past and at present by putting the homosexuals, an unhealthy and diverting behavior, on the same foot as them.

As regards the diseases which ravage the homosexuals, even the Bible speaks about it. The texts of the Bible are several times millenniums and teach us that their behavior has direct effects in their moral and physical health. They have multiple partners. No government, even the most bloodthirsty, needs to look for a means to exterminate them. Homosexuals are already doing a good job at it, knowing they do not reproduce, but recruite. As long as heterosexuals reproduce, homosexuals can relax and not worry about the futur generation...

Homosexuality is not a fixed condition. Thousands of homosexuals leave this lifestyle never to return.

One of my friends, the one that had lent me the book, knows the Canadian doctor in question who cures cancer. If I remember well, he lives In Ottawa. I do not know if he still practices.Jacques Clouseau


In 1938 The National Resources Subcommittee on Population Problems (NRS) recommended in its report to President Roosevelt that appropriate legislative action should be taken regarding global population problems. The NRS stated that 'transition from an increasing to a stationary or decreasing population may on the whole be a benefit to the life of the nation.'

In 1970 microbiologist Dr. MacArthur solicited the Appropriations Committee of the House for money for molecular biological research with these words: «Within the next 5 to 19 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-micro-organism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organism. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease».

In 1972 the Bulletin of the World Health Organization proposed that «an attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus».

Henry Kissinger formed an ad hoc committee (Global 2000) of the National Security Council in 1980 to continue study of the population problem. The Global 2000 Report concluded that continuation of present trends would see a world by the year 2000 that was, 'more crowded, more polluted, less stable ecologically, and more vulnerable to disruption than the world we live in now.' Bill H.R. 907 was introduced to establish an Office of Population Policy to «coordinate both for national and international efforts in this regard».

What does all this have to do with AIDS? The documentation is overwhelming that AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) was the solution that this government and collateral international interests devised for the escalating population problem. Anyone who believes that this government would never stoop to such an immoral solution will be interested in the following information and would be well advised to read the research material for themselves. It is important to have a clear understanding of how and why AIDS was created, and what, if anything, can be done to combat the pandemic that has been unleashed.


What is a virus? In his book Virus Hunting, Aids, Cancers and the Human Retrovirus, Dr. Robert C. Gallo (the doctor who is credited with the discovery of AIDS) states that viruses are «obligate cellular parasites». This means they need an other medium in which to grow and reproduce, therefore they invade a living cell and use it as their new home. Viruses are the smallest known living organism, needing an electron microscope or similar device at 50,000X magnification to be seen. Viruses can live outside of living tissue in crystal form indefinitely.

AIDS is also known as HTLV-III or Human T-Cell Lymphotrophic Virus. It is a retrovirus that attacks the T-4 cells of the immune system. A retrovirus is a virus that has a special enzyme, reverse transcriptase, that is able to incorporate itself into the DNA of the host cell, thereby using the DNA of that cell to reproduce more virus. B cells are the part of the immune system that help to produce protective antibodies. The T-4 cells of the immune system are lymphocytes, or small white blood cells, acted upon by hormones in the thymus gland before they reach the blood stream. T-4 cells help speed up the production of anti-bodies by the B cells. Therefore, if the T-4 cells are destroyed the body is unable to aid the B cells in antibody production and will die of any opportunistic infection.

Viruses are also known to lie latent in the infected organism. Thus, though they are present and potentially harmful, they are dormant, not seeking cells for reproduction. AIDS is known to have a 3 to 5 year incubation time before the virus begins actively reproducing and impairing the immune system to infection.


The government, via the press, would have us believe that some poor unfortunate human in Africa was bitten by a monkey that had the AIDS virus. And then through promiscuous sexual activity this individual managed to infect a large population of Africa, which spread to Haiti, which then spread to the homosexual and drug-oriented population of this country.

To begin with there are very few viruses that infect animals that can also infect humans, though yellow fever and small pox do fall into that category. It is possible, however, by the process of recombinant DNA to create a virus from animal viruses and successively grow that virus on human tissue, until through further recombinant DNA, the virus adapts itself to human tissue culture.

In 1972 at the Biological Warfare Convention it was decided to dismantle our biological warfare arsenals. Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman point out in A Higher Form of Killing: 'With the decision to renounce germ warfare for all time, Fort Detrick had been handed over to the civilian National Cancer Institute. But part of the camp remained secret. Here the Pentagon established the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, where a small group of biologists would continue to work on those diseases which plague mankind.'

According to Dr. William C. Douglass in his newsletter The Cutting Edge, «The National Cancer Institute in collaboration with the World Health Organization made the AIDS virus in their laboratories at Fort Detrick». Fort Detrick, Maryland had been the leading laboratory responsible for all biological warfare testing for the US Government. Dr. Douglass goes on to state: «They combined the deadly retroviruses, bovine leukemia virus and sheep visna virus, and injected them into human tissue cultures».

Dr. Robert Strecker has studied the AIDS virus extensively. In his video The Strecker Memorandum he reveals that in the early 70s «The Danish Cancer Registry (an international panel of experts) noted that it is possible to visualize the mutation of a virus into a variety of high contagiosity to man resulting in a pandemic of neo-plasic disease before we could develop a vaccine.' Dr. Strecker concurs with the concept that AIDS was created in a laboratory from the bovine and visna virus through recombinant DNA. His video chronicles the creation of AIDS and also makes predictions as to its potential for worldwide population infection.


Not only was the World Health Organization (WHO), via Fort Detrick, responsible for the creation of AIDS, but there is overweening evidence that it was also responsible for the deliberate, initial introduction of AIDS into the world population. In 1987 Science Editor Pearce Wright wrote an article 'Small pox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.' The World Health Organization began a 13-year small pox vaccination program in Third World countries ending in 1981. The smallpox vaccine was contaminated with the AIDS virus. Though WHO has admitted through its own investigation that the vaccine was contaminated, it has suppressed its findings. Wright's article, which linked the vaccination program and the increase of AIDS victims in the Third World, especially Africa, was given no press in the United States.

A further connection is pointed out by Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden in his book Aids Biological Warfare. He states: «The small pox vaccine theory would account for the position of the Central African states as the most afflicted countries, why Brazil became the most affected Latin American country; and how Haiti became the route for the spread of AIDS to the US; Brazil, the only South American country covered in the eradication campaign, has the highest incidence of AIDS in that region».

The pollution of vaccine, including the Salk vaccine for polio is extensively covered in a video by Dr. Eva Lee Snead titled AIDS: The Other Side of the Story. She reveals how the polio vaccine prior to 1962 was known to be contaminated with SV-40 (simian virus 40). This virus contaminated the vaccine because the polio vaccine was grown on the kidney cells of monkeys and simian or monkey virus contaminated the vaccine that was given to the public. Dr. Snead also points out that research has shown that SV40 is ideally suited for genetic manipulation, splicing and the creation of hybrids or mutants. Since it is known that the AIDS virus, or HTLV-III, has created many mutant strains since its original discovery, there is a possible connection between the SV40 virus, its contamination of the widely and mandatorily given, polio vaccines. Again, the information of the contamination of the polio vaccine with a dangerous simian virus was withheld from the public, though the government was well aware of this fact.

The government would have us believe that AIDS started in the homosexual population and has been spread likewise. To help create this reality, The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) set up an inoculation program in 1978 that targeted the homosexual population. Dr. W. Szmuness, head of the New York City blood bank, devised rules for an hepatitis vaccine study. It was to be administered to non-monogamous homosexual males between the ages of 20 and 40. There were over 1000 inoculated. Dr. Alan Cantwell reports in his book AIDS and the Doctors of Death that «newly-liberated homosexuals were anxious to cooperate with the government in matters of gay health. Within a decade, most of the men in the experiment would be doomed to die». The CDC admitted in 1984 that at least 60 percent of those who received the hepatitis vaccine were infected with AIDS. They have since refused to give any more information on the subject.


The government and press have repeatedly told us that AIDS started with the African green monkey. Many of the polio and other vaccines are grown on the kidneys of monkeys, hence the pretense that monkeys were originators of an HIV virus, SIV or simian (monkey) immunodeficiency virus is virtually indistinguishable from HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).

The African continent has also had the greatest explosion of the cases of AIDS since WHO's (the World Health Organisation) contaminated vaccination program in the 1970's, hence the reference to African origin. Mathematically, the potential for AIDS to have spread to its current epidemic proportions is not feasible had a singular monkey bite been its originator.

The government would have us believe that it is a sexually transmitted disease. This is certainly possible because of the exchange of body fluids involved in sexual conduct. But Dr. Robert Strecker has pointed out in The Strecker Memorandum that the AIDS virus is so small that the naturally occurring holes in a regular condom would allow the AIDS virus to pass through. Therefore, the pretense that condom use would spare one from getting the virus is fallacious.

It is known that AIDS can be contracted through the sharing of blood, as in transfusions. The scare that AIDS has been spread through the dirty needles of drug users is again another distraction. Certainly one using a needle that contained the AIDS virus, or any other virus, would inject that virus into their own bloodstream. But this is another distraction to take us away from the reality that AIDS has filtered into the total population through other methods, i.e. vaccinations.

The government has admitted to spraying virus and bacteria onto the unsuspecting public in the interests of testing potential biological warfare techniques. There is no reason to assume that the AIDS virus cannot be introduced into the population via aerial spraying or water contamination, as well as intravenous blood injection or commingling of body fluids.


The government and medical establishment would also have us believe that the contraction of AIDS is surely fatal. And as usual with their predominant and government-sponsored allopathic methods of cure they have been working on possible cures that are as dangerous as the original disease.

The bulk of the AIDS research money is now being spent on a vaccine that will supposedly inoculate people from being vulnerable to the HTL-III and related mutant viruses. Most vaccines are manufactured with virus that has been killed. The immune system is supposed to be fooled into thinking it is live virus and is to create antibodies. Dr. Eva L. Snead presents excellent evidence in her video that injection of a supposed vaccine for AIDS would be equivalent to contracting AIDS. Due to the fact that AIDS is debilitating to the very immune system that would be necessary to build up antibodies, it attacks the very cells that help in this process. To be injected with the virus as a means of building antibodies is somewhat ridiculous.

In an article in Discover magazine in September 1990 we find: 'Suppose by accident some virus escapes being killed? The 1950s witnessed just such a catastrophe when a manufacturing error loosed into the population a number of doses of Salk vaccine that contained live virus; they caused a rash of vaccine-induced polio cases that almost derailed the fight against the disease.' The potential that a vaccine has live virus is very real. In the same article we read: At least '20 different strains are known to exist [of the AIDS virus] and they are continuing to change, mutating more quickly than any other virus known.' Therefore, unless the potential vaccines can also be changed accordingly they are really useless in combating this disease.

Those who created the virus did so with the concept that was requested of Congress by Dr. MacArthur, namely that the virus be 'refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases.' It is perhaps ludicrous to attempt to create a vaccine that would be refractory to the immune system since the vaccine itself, in the case of AIDS, would be carrying virus that specifically targets and destroys the immune system.

The one drug that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has approved, azidothymidine (AZT), appears to halt the replication of the reverse transcriptase in the HIV virus. But, as with all chemical therapy approaches of the standard medical profession, the side effects of toxicity make it equally as dangerous. The FDA, of course, will not even look into alternative methods of control or cure of AIDS that are not approved by the American Medical Association (AMA) and drug cartel.


Though the medical establishment, in concert with pharmaceutical interests, has long attempted to quell alternative forms of healing through propaganda, and by having them rendered illegal, information has been able to surface on alternative approaches to healing. An excellent source of reading on one method is documented in Christopher Bird's book The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessen. The subtitle is The True Story of the Efforts to Suppress an Alternative Treatment for Cancer, AIDS and Other Immunologically Based Diseases. Naessens, who invented a microscope that was able to view viruses directly without the interference that the electron microscope caused, also developed a cure based on direct injection of a camphor based product into the lymph nodes. He has successfully treated many cancer and AIDS patients in Canada, where he is a native. The Canadian government also attempted to suppress his cures and jailed him. Though Naessens was acquitted at trial, the Canadian government continues to harass him. This same tactic is used by the FDA and the AMA against American doctors courageous enough to use alternative methods of healing.

Another alternative method using electromagnetic energy directly was discovered by Royal R. Rife. Royal Rife had also developed an incredibly strong microscope that could view virus without interference. He also developed a device known as the Rife Frequency Instrument. This device has cured 17 AIDS patients as of May 1990. The device works by creating the proper electromagnetic wave to kill the virus but leaves the rest of the body unaffected. More information on this can be had by reading The Cancer Cure That Worked by Barry Lynes. Of course, Rife was also severely harassed by the medical establishment.


One has to ask why the black population and the homosexual population were the first indicators of AIDS infections? If there truly is a design for population control of the planet it would not be first time that specific racial or ethnic groups were targeted. The Nazis in World War II targeted homosexuals, blacks and Jews, as Hitler regarded them as 'subhuman.'

It is incredible to think that the US government would be involved in or even endorse something as heinous as deliberately infecting a targeted population with a virus such as HTLV-III. It is equally as incredible to think that our government would spray harmful bacteria and virus over heavily populated areas in the name of biological warfare research. But the Congressional Record documents that they did indeed just that, and they are continuing to do it to this day.

Henry Kissinger's ad hoc committee of the National Security Council concluded in 1980 that something must be done about the escalating population.

In an EIR Special Report of 10 March 1981 Thomas Ferguson, case officer for the Office of Population Affairs (OPA), stated to Lonnie Wolfe: «The quickest way to reduce population is through famine, like in Africa, or through disease, like the Black Death».

Former World Bank President Robert McNamara is quoted as stating that: «The population crisis is a greater threat to US national security interests than nuclear annihilation.»

With these thoughts in mind, it is well advised to reconsider what the US government, the press and electronic media have been telling us about AIDS. The misinformation about what caused the epidemic has led people to believe that they are not vulnerable to the disease unless they are promiscuous or do not use condoms for protection. The Centre for Disease Control admits that it really had no idea as to the real number of people who have been exposed to the AIDS virus. The current tests for HTLV-III are inconclusive and have a wide margin of error. The virus in a mutated form could be missed, or a possible false positive could indicate AIDS when it isn't there at all.

The information about the contamination of the vaccination program of the Third World by the World Health Organization has been suppressed. The press has also failed to report on the spraying of civilian populations by the Army for the last 4O years. The medical profession via the FDA has refused to approve any alternative forms of therapy for AIDS, therefore rendering possible cures illegal and out of reach of the tens of thousands who may already be infected. AIDS research provides the same enormous monetary profits that Cancer research always has, and finding a cure would eliminate those profits. Finding a cure would also negate the ability of AIDS to create population reduction.

The incubation period of AIDS means that many possible infections will lie dormant for another five to ten years before the disease will manifest. This means that the real extent of this epidemic may not be known for another decade.

For an in-depth understanding of AIDS, the research material presented here should be reviewed. The evidence to support this theory is staggering. Alternative forms of healing should be understood so that if people find they have contracted the HTLVIII virus, they are aware that there are methods of curing AIDS.

The above article appeared in Simple Truth, vol. 1, no. I 0 (1 August 1991). Subscriptions to Simple Truth may be obtained by sending $8 for six issues to Simple Truth, Box 347, McKenna, Wash. C.F. 98558 C.F. Cheque or Money Order should be made payable to J. L. Read.



by Gilberte Côté-Mercier (Quebec)

The Beast of the Apocalypse has already been set up in Brussels, Belgium: it is a gigantic computer that makes its own programs. 'By using three entries of six digits each, each citizen in the whole world will be given a distinct credit card number.' Three entries of six digits each: 666. In the very immediate future one will need the number of the Beast to buy and sell.

Saint John's Apocalypse speaks of two Beasts, the Beast of the Sea and the Beast of the Earth, that will make up the ANTICHRIST couple at the end of time. Commentators agree that the Beast coming from the Sea is the political power - Satan's fearsome ally - and the Beast coming from the Earth is the power of money. The Beast coming from of the Earth, the financial power, 'shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and slaves, to receive a mark on their right hands, or on their foreheads, and that none might buy or sell, unless he carried this mark, which was the beast's name; or the number that stands for his name. Here is wisdom. He that has understanding let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is - six hundred and sixty-six' (St. John's Apocalypse l3:16-18).

Well! The number 666 is no longer a mystery. We know that it refers to the gigantic computer that will be the great controller of all the men and women of the earth for their purchases and sales. Following is a text from Moody Magazine, that reveals to us where the International Financiers have led the peoples of the earth so far, and in what slavery they propose to immerse them.

Dr. Hanrick Eldeman, Chief Analyst of the Common Market Confederacy in Brussels, has revealed that a computerized restoration plan is already under way to straighten out world chaos. A crisis meeting in early 1974 brought together Common Market leaders, advisers and scientists at which time Dr. Eldeman unveiled 'the Beast'.

The Beast is a gigantic three-story computer located in the administrative building of the headquarters of the Common Market.

That monster is a self-programming computer that has more than one hundred sources distributing entries. Experts in programming have perfected a plan that will handle by computer all of the world's trade.

This master plan would imply a system of digital enumeration of each human being of the earth. Thus the computer would give each inhabitant of the world a number to be used for each purchase or sale, removing the problem of present credit cards. This number would be invisibly tattooed by laser, either on the forehead or on the back of the hand. This would establish a walking credit card system. And the number could be seen only through infra-red scanners, installed in special verification counters or in business places. Dr. Eldeman pointed out that by using three entries of six digits each, every inhabitant of the world would be given a distinct credit card number.


Other officials of the Common Market believe that present chaos and disorder, due to a mysterious cause, show the need of a world money, of an international print that would possibly put an end to paper money and coins. In their place, credit notes would be exchanged by the means of a world bank's clearing house.

No member could buy or sell without first being given such a numbered imprint.

The directors of the Common Market are now convinced that world order demands, on the allegiance of peace and politics, a new world system of trade and numbering.

A single individual would have within easy reach the number of any inhabitant of the earth. This could be either an instrument of peace or a weapon of dictatorship.

When one of the leading heads of the Common Market was asked what would happen if someone objected to the system and refused to cooperate, he answered rather bluntly: 'We would be obliged to have recourse to force to bring him to conform to the new requirements.'

Henry Spaak, who was the founder of the European Common Market, and General Secretary of NATO, said in one of his speeches:

We don't want another committee; we already have enough of them. What we want is a man of such stature that he be capable to gain the allegiance of peace and politics to pull us out of the economic chaos into which we are sinking. Send us this man, and, be he god or demon, we will welcome him.


Today, through their economic control, the Financiers are preparing a world of absolute control.

They will rule universally and totally, raised at the top of both civil powers united: politics and economics.

Europe's Common Market seems to be the first step towards the world political government. And the electronic computer will be that 'man of such stature' that he may command, watch, register, check, censor, punish all the men of all the nations, 'each human being of the earth'. This computer is really much more than a man: it is a heartless superman, with diabolic intelligence.

And the International Financiers, who know well that they themselves control the money of the whole world, have the nerve to talk about the 'mysterious cause of actual chaos and disorder'. They make believe that they are looking for a means to pull the peoples from the 'economic chaos into which they are sinking,' when it is they, the bankers, who are the authors of the chaos, by the ruthless control they exercise over money and by the way they regard a nation's currency as a mere plaything, a type of play that makes the nation tremble. The Canadian dollar goes down and the American dollar goes down in respect to the Asian and European currencies. But the Canadian dollar is even lower than the American dollar. The Bank of Canada comes to the rescue of the Canadian dollar. But that is not enough, etc., etc.

These are the games of the International Bankers, the games of speculating financiers, the games of swindlers. And worst yet, they are the games of those who would control human lives, the games of dictators, of tyrants over the peoples.

by Thérèse Tardif (Quebec)

If the plans of the money barons of High Finance come true, soon every inhabitant on earth will have to possess a debit card to be able to buy or sell. The debit card is a plastic card with an electronic micro-chip that can hold information on your entire life. One central computer can spy on all of your transactions and slightest actions. Moreover, the promoters of this debit card visit schools to win the children over to this idea without their parents' knowledge. Here is what François Cright and Franck Kretz, two of our young full-time pilgrims, learned while visiting the families from door to door:
Franck and l were going from door to door, in June,in Temiscouata County, Que. At the last door we did one evening, at one point we talked about the «666». A young lady of the family said to us: 'On that subject, two men came to our school recently and spoke to us about it. They said that we should not worry, that it was progress, technology. It would help to avoid
thefts; people would no longer have to carry cash, etc. Then they said that there would be a micro-chip. They explained it in detail. One can see it is coming. In September, they will begin to remove the bank notes from circulation. This is an experimental plan in Quebec. In one year from now, there will be no cash at all in circulation; people will absolutely need the card. And after that,' said Franqois: Cright, 'it will be the «666». It is coming; we can see it !'


There are many retailers who have already embarked on this plan. They are equipped with a device connected to their cash register that can receive the debit cards. The customer punches in his personal identification number on that device, while the cashier places the debit card into the teller machine, and the money is instantaneously and electronically taken from the bank account of the customer by a computer and put into the store's bank account.

There are several businesses that already do not accept cash. Mr. Franck Kyburz of Calgary, Alberta, was refused twice for trying to pay in cash his phone bills to the phone company.


It is the banks that promote these debit cards. The banks do not have the right to replace the money system of the entire world by a system of cards that is totally controlled. The debit cards will lead us to a system of total and world-wide dictatorship.

Cash or paper money gives us much freedom today, and we are not forced, contrary to debit cards, to reveal our private lives in order to identify ourselves and buy goods or services.

It is the government that gave the banks the power to create money and distribute it. The government does not have the right to give the banks the power to change the payment system. In our opinion, the debit cards are illegal, unconstitutional, antidemocratic. Through their usurped power to create the money of our nation and to transform the means of exchange, the banks deprive us of our power and of all our belongings. They are in complete subjection to International Finance, which decrees the death of whole nations by imposing its austerity measures, in order to force the governments to pay to these swindlers the public debts that are not owed to them in justice.


The banks are presently leading a campaign to keep the people in fear of thieves, and give all kinds of advice to help the people protect their debit cards.

The best way to protect your cards from thieves is to possess no card at all! If your card falls into the hands of a thief, he can wipe out your whole bank account, whereas if this same thief steals your wallet, he can only deprive you of the cash you carry on you.


But banks keep alive this fear of thieves for one reason: they want public opinion to accept the injection of micro-chips in the hands of people to replace the debit cards that now contain micro-chips.

Micro-chips are now being implanted in animals - horses, cats, dogs, fish, etc. Micro-chips that were implanted in fish that are migrating upriver have proven to be very accurate in tracking the movement of these fish. So these micro-chips implanted in people would also make it possible to follow the movements of people.

A lawyer recently told us that the same experiment is presently done with criminals in order to keep track of them. That is equivalent to saying that every human being will receive such a micro-chip under his or her skin before long.

In the next section, I give information taken from the book La fin des temps (The End of Time) by Paco Rabanne:


In my book, Trajectoire (Trajectory), I mentioned the shock I had when I visited New York City for the first time in the sixties. Downtown, on the face of a skyscraper, I saw an illuminated sign made up of three huge digits, three 6's, or 666, the code name given in St. John's Apocalypse to «the Beast» about which so many questions have been asked!

I remained there, standing in front of that number, unable to understand its presence on this wall. Somebody told me it meant the Hertzian frequency chosen by the first radio program...

I immediately felt that everything was being put together into my mind. As for me, there was no doubt that the Hertzian waves, being given the name of the Beast, symbolized the means of propaganda of this same Beast. First radio, then television: 'And it was given him to give life to the image of the Beast, and that the image of the Beast should speak; and should cause that whosoever will not adore the image of the Beast should be slain.' (Apoc. 13:1 5.) Is not this image that moves and speaks, television, and also the pictures transmitted by all the computerized communication network at present?

We have not been sufficiently aware of the wiles of the Beast who, in order to seduce us more easily, wears a mask; and relies on human weakness. The first step for the Beast was to reduce mankind to slavery. The Beast is succeeding quite well with that first step: today, television programs and bank datas are like huge spider webs that crisscross the whole globe. No one can claim to be able to escape from it. 'Who is like the Beast, and who will be able to fight with it?' (Apoc. 13:4,7.) 'And there was given to it authority over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation.'

Yet, have we not every reason to be afraid when we see what is ahead? For example, we know that we are listed several times on computers. Our passport in the world has become a magnetic credit card. Without its code, we can do nothing. What do we read about this in the Apocalypse of Saintjohn? 'And it will cause all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bonded, to have a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and it will bring about that no one may be able to buy or sell, except him who has the mark, either the name of the Beast or the number of its name. In front of the increase in credit card theft, the world banks studied the plan of a microchip that can be implanted in the hand and would allow each individual to go shopping, and also to open the door of his car or of his home. The credit card will become biological.


So you can imagine what kind of dictatorship International Finance will impose upon every nation and every individual with these micro-chips linked with the giant computer that already exists in Brussels. This computer will be able to keep track of every move of every person that has this micro-chip, in his debit card or under his skin, just as in the case of the fish. Soon, as it is written in the Apocalypse, no one will be able to buy or sell without having the Mark of the Beast in the hand. Today, you still have the freedom to accept or refuse credit and debit cards. But the banks only have to make mandatory the use of micro-chips as the sole means of payment. And then there will take place the most complete dictatorship: we will be spied on, ruled, controlled, and watched by the Beast.

Let us be smart enough not to fall again into the trap of the Bankers! We have already been conned enough by them from the moment they seized our money system by creating money according to their will: this money is based on our resources, and they have the temerity to lend us this money at interest rates that are more than usurious, plunging us into unpayable debts, devaluing the little amount of money we were able to save despite everything. They are the arch-swindlers who should be put in jail for life; instead of the poor people who are guilty of fraud, who were forced by the present financial system to cheat in order to stay alive.

Paper money, or cash, is very handy for transactions in a free society. We can use it with complete freedom. The Money of the Beast, the micro-chip, is the worst kind of money because it will exercise complete control over every inhabitant of the earth, and then we can say goodbye to God-given freedom!


In order to make everyone accept the debit cards, the banks tell us that it is for our security, to reduce fraud, and yet they want us to support the greatest fraud of all, namely, the present system that creates money at interest.

Do not lend your name to that: it is an infernal scheme. Some companies go as far as to send you, by mail, a credit card, even though you did not ask for it. Don't accept it; destroy it, cut it into several pieces, so that no one can use it to wipe out your bank account.

The best way to reduce fraud noticeably is to teach children the Commandments of God and have them practiced at home and at school. By training children to be honest, one will eliminate fraud. Let us use our knowledge and efforts to form our youth and have them show respect for other people's property and for the common good of all society.

Let us boycott as much as we can this credit and debit card system. If nobody accepts these cards, the system of the Beast will collapse.

The above article first appeared in The Michael journal (Rougemont, Quebec, September-October 1993). The Michael journal is published six times a year (16) pages; a four-year subscription costs $20. Send subscription to The Michael Journal, 1101 Principale Street, Rougemont, Quebec, Canada, JOL 1MO.

172 The inversed M

The logo is a B when turned clockwise by 90 degress, and a M as is.

170 Plate 18:



R. H. Pitfield, Senior Vice-President, Card Products and Marketing

April 27, 1994

Mr. Mike Gray
Apt 1107
750 Morningside Avenue
West Hill, Ontario
M1C 3A1

Weve just changed the colour of money!

Dear Mr. Gray,

Until now you've had three options when paying for purchases – cash, cheques or credit cards.
There is another, much better option and you already have it! Now you can use your Scotiabank Cashstop card to pay for everyday shopping in participating grocery stores, pharmacies and other retailers... including places that may not take credit cards. In fact, you can use your Cashstop card wherever you see the INTERAC Direct Payment sign.

It's convenient and easy to use too! When you use your Cash purchases, the amount you spend is transferred electronically from your bank account to the store's account. This saves you a trip to the banking machine or the inconvenience of waiting for the store to approve your cheque. It's also a lot safer than walking around with a wallet full of money. And, it allows you to take advantage of unadvertised bargains!
As long as you have funds in your chequing or savings account, and you are set up for ABM access, you can spend up to $2,500 a day. The service charge for making a purchase with your Cashstop card is the same as if you wrote a cheque or made an ABM withdrawal.* We've enclosed a brochure which explain how to use your Cashstop card for shopping and of course, we invite you to drop by any Scotiabank branch for more information.

So the next time you go shopping, give it a try. After all, what could be simpler!
Sincerely,R.H. Pitfield

Registered Trade Mark of The Bank of Nova Scotia
Registered Trade Mark of INTERAC Inc. The Bank of Nova Scotia
User of the Mark
Pick up a copy at Scotiabank's 'Your Guide to Personal Deposit Rates and Service Charges" for details.

Plate 18: What does 'User of the Mark' refer to here? User of the Registered Trade Mark of the Bank of Nova Scotia? Hardly! That is redundant! User of the 'Mark of the Beast'?

172 Plate 19: A Bank in the Palm of your Hand, or Thumb, or Forehead:Courtesy of Bank of Montreal

a Bank in the Palm of Your Hand

One thing customers of banks and other financial institutions have in common Is the desire to get to their funds when they need to - without having to travel too far or stand too long in line.

Automated banking machines have played a major role in bringing the bank to the customer. Now, we're about to reach another plateau in the pursuit of convenience. It's called Direct Payment and, while it will be used at present, solely for withdrawals from an account, it is almost like having the bank in your hand...

When a retailer offers Direct Payment,you are able to get directly through to funds in your account from wherever you're making a purchase. You do it by using the same card you use at an automated banking machine. If you're buying your weekly groceries at the supermarket for instance, you simply give the cashier your bank card. He or she will pass the card through a terminal and enter the amount of your purchase.

Then you'll be given a keypad similar to a hand-held calculator. The amount of your purchase will be displayed on the keypad. To complete the payment transaction, you'll simply press OK and indicate whether the withdrawal is to be made from your main chequing account or savings account. Then, you'll enter your personal identification number (PIN) and the money will be transferred automatically to the merchant's account to complete the transaction.

Electronic cheque

You might call Direct Payment an "electronic cheque". It authorizes payment from your account and the cost will be similar to the cost of a cheque. You'll probably be able to save on that though, by looking into a package of banking services that bundles the cost of transactions including Direct Payment on a monthly basis to give you economy.

And what will you do about the proof of payment that a cheque can provide? The receipt you receive from the cashier for each Direct Payment transaction will be your official proof of payment.

Direct Payment will be available in most parts of Canada by the end of April. The Atlantic provinces will be seeing it by September of 1994. You will see it advertised as lnterac Direct Payment. lnterac represents the majority of financial institutions in the country who will be offering this electronic access to their customers. When it comes, give it a try. It will give you instant access to your account wherever Direct Payment is accepted. You won't have to worry about carrying cash and better still, for withdrawals, it will be like having your own bank - in the palm of your hand...

Infrequent users of bank access cards who need to have their personal identification numbers re-issued need only ask at most financial institutions to select a new number.

Bankof Montreal
We're Paying Attention


vendredi, février 01, 2008


by J.L. Read (Washington)

The idea of mind control conjures up many different impressions. Mind control can be as overt as drug-induced behavioral modification or as subtle as subliminal suggestion below the level of awareness. Most people would never suspect that they may be the object of mind control, particularly from those in control of the government. Most people are certain that they are independent thinkers and that all the conclusions they have drawn about themselves and their perception of the world are of their own making.

Aldous Huxley stated in 1959: 'It seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.'

Huxley was concerned with pharmacological or chemical methods of distraction, which do abound in our society. Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and all of the over-the-counter depressants and stimulants that are available are indeed mood or behaviour altering methods of distraction. There are myriads of mood-altering prescription drugs such as valium, librium, etc., that are easily obtained through a doctor. Add to this the extensive use of illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, morphine and its derivatives, plus LSD, mescaline and their derivatives, and you have a large, if not total, segment of the population perpetually ingesting some form of mood-altering substance.

Biologicaltoxicityis another factor that can aid and abet other mind-control techniques. When the body is continually ingesting toxic substances, it functions at a level below optimal efficiency. When the body is sluggish, the mind is sluggish. When the mind is sluggish the ability to make intelligent and discriminating decisions is greatly impaired. The ability to perceive that one is even being controlled is much more difficult due to impaired mental processes.

Yet chemical behaviour modification is only one aspect of what could be considered mind control. The broadcasting of selected electromagnetic frequencies with encoded messages via the air waves, is another. The use of microwaves as modulators for extremely low frequency waves is another method of behaviour modification. Both the United States and Soviet Union have overtly used such methods on their own and other populations.

Microwaves can also be used to send signals in frequency ranges that will cause lethargy within those individuals receiving the radiation.

The human brain is basically a receiver, and it receives frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum as well as those that popular science has ignored that are outside of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is these frequencies beyond the electromagnetic spectrum that are almost impossible to detect. By projecting these frequencies to the brain one can be put into a beta, alpha, theta or delta state of consciousness, according to the frequency modulation.

Another method of behaviour modification is the use of subliminal suggestions. Subliminal suggestions are received by the subconscious, the truly potent director of behaviour, at the level below conscious awareness. Subliminal suggestion is used extensively in advertising to get people to respond to the recommendations of the selling agent. Without special equipment, subliminal messages are also impossible to detect.

Last but not least is behaviour modification via the educational system, free public education particularly. Young children are acutely suggestible. If you tell them that reality is constructed in a certain way they generally believe it. If you further punish them through peer pressure or other means of deprivation for not behaving according to a particular version of reality, you can enforce compliance to your standards.

This paper is concerned with how all of these methods have been and are being used to keep the North American public complacent and asleep to what is going on politically: the abovementioned methods that, individually and collectively, are creating the scenario that Huxley so aptly specified, of 'making the people love their servitude. 'Most people are totally asleep to the gradual decrease in their basic liberties and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Those who are aware are too apathetic or fearful to do anything about it.

Though direct methods of electronic and subliminal mind control are being used, it appears that the most overt method of mind control is through perpetual distraction. Most people are totally distracted with television, entertainment of any kind, keeping up with the Jones', alcohol, prescription drugs and illegal drugs, and, the necessity of working long enough hours to pay their taxes. They are totally asleep to the steady loss of their personal freedom.


It has long been known by the scientific community that the human cranium resonates within certain frequencies. This frequency range is between 830 Mhz to 890 Mhz. This is the same frequency that the cellular telephone towers, that are being erected everywhere, operate from. If a certain frequency is pulsed and modulated through a microwave signal, this will cause entrainment (synchronization) with the human cranium, thereby entraining the thoughts of the human receiving the signal. In effect, if one's mind is broadcast a signal that causes entrainment, one would feel as though the thoughts being projected by signal were one's own.

The cellular telephone microwave towers are all connected by satellite to a central computer in the National Bureau of Standards building in Boulder, Colorado. When messages are placed within the computer, which are then broadcast through the microwave towers to the public, the target population is being sent messages without their knowledge.

In this way you can begin to have certain thoughts that are not your own. If the airwaves are filled with coded messages to modify behaviour or program a certain thought pattern, the population living within those air waves will be responding without their conscious awareness.

Dr. Robert Becker stated in his book The Body Electric: 'Everyone worries about nuclear weapons as the most serious threat to our survival. Their danger is indeed immediate and overwhelming. In the long run, however, I believe the ultimate weapon is manipulation of our electromagnetic environment, because it is imperceptibly subtle and strikes at the core of life itself.'


This signal operates at the subliminal level of awareness. It operates about 6 cycles away from the signal that is the harmonic of regular electric power lines, (60 Hz). It is transmitted through television. This signal helps to put one into an alpha state of awareness while watching television. When in an alpha state of awareness, one is hyper-suggestible. Therefore, whatever progranuning is being projected on the screen is taken into the subconscious without any conscious filtering or discernment. It is a subtle form of hypnosis. Thus, whatever you see on television - violence, fear, guilt, the evening news, advertising and the melodrama - is processed and incorporated into the subconscious as real and believable.

A more complete understanding of the mechanics of microwave and videodrome programming may be had by watching the video Relativistic Physics by Dr. P. Nichols and D. Cameron, available from Quantum Communications, Olympia, Washington.


It has been known for a long time that the mind, particularly the subconscious mind, is aware of everything we see and hear, even at inaudible levels, and momentary visual flashings. In the past you could go to an outdoor movie theatre and expect to have subliminal messages broadcast with the popcorn commercials. Without knowing why, you would become very hungry for popcorn.

Subliminal means below the level of conscious awareness. This form of advertising was supposedly outlawed because it violated the right of the individual to his freedom of choice. The only problem is that even though it was technically outlawed, there is no way for the general public to verify if there are still subliminal messages being broadcast to them. It is legally used with the background music that is played in most department and grocery stores, carrying a subliminal message that discourages shoplifting. But whether this same music also carries subliminal messages to encourage spending of more money is not determined...


The CIA has been experimenting with many of the above mentioned techniques for mind control since the early 1950s. One project was named MK-ULTRA. This was the use of various drugs that would not only alter human behaviour, but would be undetectable in their administration...

Gordon Thomas did extensive research into the CIA's involvement and experimentation with various mind-control techniques. In his own words from his book Journey Into Madness, Thomas reveals: 'Their [CIA] behaviour poses a continuous threat to those of us who still possess that most precious of all gifts: the right of the human spirit to choose. In working on this book I have come to terms with my own emotions - disbelief, bewilderment, disgust, and anger, and more than once in the early stages, a feeling that the subject was simply too evil to cope with. Nothing I had researched before could have prepared me for the dark reality of doctors who set out to deliberately destroy minds with even more horrifying descriptions of the agonies endured by the victims of the CIA-funded psychiatric mind control experiments; the reader watches as officials of the CIA and other US government agencies are drawn further and further into a chilling, inhuman world in which all consideration for human rights and freedom are trampled in the search for the key to mind control.'


Psychologist John Gittinger was a graduate of the MK-ULTRA program of the CIA. He created a unique system dubbed appropriately Personality Assessment System (PAS). The theory behind personality assessment testing is that each individual, though unique, still falls within certain personality criteria e.g. extrovert, introvert, etc. By testing each person to see what his personality type is you can then program him accordingly.
This method has been heavily incorporated into the public school system. For the past twenty years, students have had to take tests which would not measure their scholastic aptitude but their attitudes. The latest round of these tests has been called the Educational Quality Assessment tests. They are given so that the government can maintain a psychological profile on students. By understanding what kind of personality type a student is, he can be placed in certain environments and given repeated programming that will mold him according to 'socially acceptable standards.'

Children are the prime targets for this type of brainwashing because they are so suggestible. This type of educational programming can even override the parental guidance they receive at home. Thus, if a child is taught at school to conform to the group and peer pressure and not to behave as an individual, he will be less likely to rebel later in life if his individual liberties are taken from him. He will perform as one of the flock and can be herded into whatever programs the government designs.

B. F. Skinner, noted psychologist, whose work is used extensively in the academic and educational communities, is quoted as responding to a question on the purpose of society; 'The intentional design of a culture and the control of human behaviour it implies are essential if the human species is to continue to develop.'


Research by the Foundation For Advancements in Science and Education has discovered that there are over 700 foreign chemicals in ordinary drinking water. This is water processed through city water systems. Most of this is due to one hundred billion pounds of hazardous waste that is generated and has polluted the ground water. Also over 2 billion pounds of pesticides are used on food crops annually.

An 8 February 1986 article in Science News revealed: 'A recently-released study funded by the Environmental Protection Agency indicated that there is a link between exposure to poisonous doses of agricultural pesticides known as organophosphates and a number of neuropsychological problems including depression, irritability and difficulties in thinking, memory and communication.'

The food chain is riddled with these organophosphates along with petroleum-based fertilizers. It is common knowledge that high levels of toxicity in the human body create sluggish brain functioning. If the body is perpetually busy through the immune system fighting off toxic waste, there is little energy left to supply the brain with nourishment. This is what has created the necessity for most people to rely on a daily intake of caffeine in order to be functional.

It stands to reason that a population that is physiologically debilitated is operating at low levels of awareness. Their resistance to disease is lower, and so is their resistance to programming through electromagnetic means, subliminal advertising, and political propaganda. This is also what creates the lethargy and apathy that is so characteristic of the general public. This is the perfect scenario for governmental enslavement.


How does one be an individual who can think independently, while immersed in a sea of electromagnetic entertainment, overt media propaganda, subliminal intrusion, educational disinformation and manipulation, as well as food and water pollution? To begin with, people could turn off their televisions. Not only are encoded messages being flashed every 32 seconds on the screen for subliminal ingestion, but the frequency of the electromagnetic projection through this media alone puts one into an alpha state. In this state one is totally suggestible.

Being placed in an alpha state is akin to being in a state of hypnosis. There is nothing wrong with being placed into an alpha state of consciousness, but one should be cognizant and a willing participant if this level of awareness is being experienced.

Read as much as possible in areas that will enhance personal sovereignty, not only financially, but psychologically. Be discerning about what you read and what you chose to read. Reading material that will heighten your personal awareness will replace the barrage of programming projected through television consumption. If one's focus of awareness is on obtaining independent thoughts, the deluge of electromagnetic and media pollution will have less ability to penetrate.

Be aware of what is going on around you and what you choose to participate in that will be making an impact on your subconscious mind. There is ample material available on techniques to intensify your personal awareness, mental acuity and focused attention.

Be careful what you eat. To obtain your water from a well outside the city with clean untampered water is preferable. To grow or obtain organically grown food is essential to be rid of the pesticides and petroleum-based fertilizers that permeate the food chain. Everything you buy in a commercial grocery store has been altered chemically and its nutritional value is minimal at best. Mental acuity and agility is totally dependent upon one's state of health. If you are physiologically undernourished, your thinking processes will be clouded and you will be a greater target for someone else planting their thoughts into your mind.

If you have allowed yourself to become apathetic about the government and those who wish to control elements of your life, you are a perfect candidate for complete control.

To live in a free society one must participate in government, at all levels. Become aware of what your city, county, state, and federal governments have done to take away the freedoms guaranteed to you by the Constitution. Few people are really aware of the rights they are guaranteed in the Constitution. Study the document for your own edification.

Mind control implies that someone else is controlling either your thinking processes or is preventing you from thinking independently. Once you are aware of all the methods that are being employed to implant thoughts in your mind against your awareness, to give you only disinformation to make judgements with, or to keep you from thinking clearly, it is your responsibility to do whatever possible to maintain your own individual consciousness.

mercredi, janvier 30, 2008

Canada and the new world order:

Je n’ai pas mis les pages 186-190 en texte, mais en image. Il n’y pas, selon moi, d’information digne d’intérêt. L’auteur voulait que son livre soit aussi une sorte d’oeuvre littéraire poétique. Je respecte son choix étant donné qu’il est mort dans des circonstances étranges en 1996, à ce qu’on m’a rapporté. C’est pour cela qu’il n’y aura jamais plus de réédition de ses livres.
Pour que le profane comprenne un peu plus ce dont parle cette partie du livre, il faut donner l’explication et l’origine du nom Lucifer.

Du latin lux, luxis, lumière, et ferre, porter. Nom de l’étoile du matin, chez les romains. Dans la théologie chrétienne, chef des anges rebelles.

C’est ce qui explique que pour les Illuminati (francs-maçons), Lucifer est un dieu. Ils croient aussi que Jésus est un dieu, mais un méchant. C’est au mur qu’on reconnaît le maçon. Des êtres qui sont pour l’avortement sur demande et le mariage homosexuel, donc contre la famille, ne sont certainement pas des êtres de lumière, mais de la noirceur totale et d’une méchanceté sordide. Ils font quand même des adeptes.







by Texe Marr
(formerly of the United States Air Force
& The University of Texas)


'Most of the world was first introduced to Maurice Strong in 1992 while he was serving as secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), the so-called Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro. Before, during, and after the summit, the Canadian activist made headlines more than once with environmental tirades against the life-styles of 'the rich countries'... The fact that he was the top executive of the privately-owned Dome Petroleum of Canada, president of Power Corporation of Canada, and later head of Petro Canada, the giant government oil company, is fairly well known from the many profiles about him appearing in the major media. Many of these articles mention that he was head of the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm and thefirst secretary-general of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNE).

'We were unable, however, to uncover any articles even suggesting the range of Strong's "insider" connections. Yet this man is president of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, co-chairman of the World Economic Forum, member of the Club of Rome, trustee of the Aspen Institute, a director of the World Future Society, director Of finance of the Lindisfarne Association, a founding endorser of Planetary Citizens, convener of the 4th World Wilderness Congress, organizer of the international Business Council for Sustainable Development, and builder of "The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths, "a spiritual centre on his controversial Baca Grande ranch in Colorado...

'The idea for the venture at "the Baca" took root in 1978 when a mysterious man visited Hanne bearing a prophesy of the coming apocalypse. The dream grew amid omens that defy belief. It has been nourished by the Strongs' friends, such people as Rockefeller, [former Canadian premier] Trudeau, the Dalai Lama, and Shirley MacLaine.' Another of the Strong friends, Najeeb Halaby (CFR),former chairman of Pan American and father of the Queen of Jordan, has built an Islamic ziggurat at the Baca. The first groups to join the Strongs in setting up operations at the desert site were the Aspen Institute and the Lindisfarne Association (William F. Jasper, Global Tyranny ... Step by Step: The United Nations and the Emerging New WorldOrder, Appleton, Wisconsin: Western Islands, 1993).


'What is water but the generated soul?' W. B. Yeats asks in his 'Coole Park and Ballylee', while T. S. Eliot in 'The Waste Land' associates water with a flowering and fecundity of the soul that grows more difficult as the century advances, as we are dragged more deeply into blood, mire, flesh and matter.

Water, then, has from the beginning of human consciousness been associated with the revitalization of the soul. When William Jasper reveals that Maurice Strong's Colorado Ranch sits on top of one of the largest aquifers in the world, and that, with his wife Hanne, he controls billions of gallons of water we are of course to take this literally. Is not a symbolic interpretation to be allowed as well? Maybe so, for it is clear from the article below that Maurice Strong, the most powerful Canadian member of the Committee of 300, is interested in achieving spiritual as well as physical dominion.

What is water without power? The same man - Maurice Strong controls the largest electrical facility in the whole of North America - Ontario Hydro.
In 1976 we found out - through an exchange of signals between Deep Throat of Watergate fame, an Austrian, and another European that the family who controlled the United States also controlled the Soviet Union. Ten years later - in 1986 - we discovered that the nationality under which the family camouflages itself is Canadian. What we are dealing here, however, is not one family, but five families operating as one. Not one of the five is Jewish, but all are Mason, the Black Masons not the Blue.

Maurice Strong seems to be the international periscope of this family, the Canadian Illuminati family who, throughout the century,had paralleled the decisions and activities of the Rothschilds in Europe and the Rockefellers in New York.

This is they way the Canadian power scene was decoded in Nato and the Marsaw Pact Are One:

John Kelly said, 'So,, the familyh
That contarols the Soviet Union
Controls the United States.'

mardi, janvier 29, 2008


Is there behind the scenes an Illuminati, a secret clique of wealthy men masterminding a massive conspiracy to rule the world? As unlikely as it may seem, the astonishing answer is yes, there is a secret organization of illuminized men that exists. It is the Money Power of America, Europe and Asia. I call the men who lead it the Secret Brotherhood. The members of this clandestine group believe themselves to be men of a superior race and bloodline. They are convinced that their destiny is to be served. We are to become their economic slaves.

Over the centuries, these diabolical men, agents of a magical underworld known to only a few, have banded together in secret societies, amassing untold wealth and material treasures. But because greed is never satisfied, their hungry appetite for more and more money - and for more and more absolute, unchallenged power - grows daily.

The calculating shrewd men of the Secret Brotherhood have convinced themselves that they know what is best for mankind. They believe also that their natural superiority over the rest of us gives them the right to conceal and cloak their true intentions.

Once you read this article, you will know for a certainty - if you don't already know it - that there is a World Conspiracy by a hidden élite. You will just know it. Period. All the evidence is there - mountains of evidence. No other conclusion is possible. A World Conspiracy that deeply and severely affects you and me exists. It is for real.

It may be too late for us to stop the men of the Secret Brotherhood. But I am not yet ready to concede defeat. I know this: it is not too late to warn as many men and woman as we can about the miserable fate that the hidden élite have in store for them. It is not too late to protect as many innocent people as we can from the savage destiny that otherwise awaits them.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the courageous Russian dissident writer exiled by communist tyrants for standing up to their cowardly atrocities, once wrote:
The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.

To attain its objectives, the men who lead the Secret Brotherhood have promulgated three key directives. The prime directive of the Secret Brotherhood is this: that the Glory of the One shall be paramount. Unity out of diversity must be achieved in every arena of life, in every avenue of human endeavour. As the inscription on the US one-dollar bill signifies in Latin: E Pluribus Unum - "Out of many, one."

The second, related directive of the Secret Brotherhood and its affiliated secret societies and organizations is that the hierarchy of the Secret Brotherhood shall control the One. The few, the élite, the Illuminati, shall reign over the many.

And we also have this third, important directive: that the many must never, ever realize that they themselves are not in control of their own destiny. Whether by manipulation, mind control, mass hypnosis, magic, or deceit and persuasion, every man and woman on planet Earth must be convinced of his or her own autonomy and power.

Men cannot be allowed to discover the horrible truth: that the democracy which they all so vitally crave, clamour for, and demand is, like some fantastic global shell game, only a mental concoction dreamed up by a tiny but ruthless band of hidden persuaders and master illusionists.

The conspirators of the Secret Brotherhood, the Illuminati, today have few rivals to preclude their achieving their goals of global conquest by the year 2000. They have systematically either destroyed their competitors or merged with them. At one time, both the Catholic Church and the Protestant Christian establishment opposed the Brotherhood. But no longer.

In addition, in decades past the secret societies themselves warred against one another, each vying for control and absolute power. Today, however, the leaders of the secret societies have all come together as one. They have found that greater rewards are possible only if unity is practised, in purpose and organization.

Astonishingly, my investigation has revealed that almost all the world's secret societies, banking and financial organizations, crime syndicates, intelligence agencies, and occult groups have merged. All now come under the direct command and authority of the élite, executive council of the Secret Brotherhood. Never before in the annals of human history has so much power been deposited in the hands of so few.

The first thing to be done is to unmask the plot of the Secret Brotherhood and shed some much needed light on their dangerous, often disguised activities. A perfect way to start is to focus our eyes and minds in the direction of a very wealthy man who currently wields tremendous power within the highest ranks of those who intend to rule the world. Let me, then, introduce you to Mr. Maurice Strong, fervent New Ager, wealthy aristocrat, dedicated environmentalist, and a man with access to the inner circles of the Secret Brotherhood (1).

He lives in the beautiful Baca Grande area of the San Luis Valley in Colorado. He's one of the most wealthy and most staggeringly powerful men on the face of the earth. He counts among his closest friends such billionaires as David Rockefeller and Lord Rothschild, as well as Pope John Paul II. In 1992, as chairman of the United Nation's Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, he visited with President George Bush in the White House and gave the president a personal invitation to the gala affair, said to be the premier environmental event of the 21st century.

If there is any one man who sits at the top echelon of authority in formulating the Plan for the New World Order, it is Maurice Strong, the Canadian financier and investor.

In 1990, Maurice Strong gave a fascinating series of interviews to Daniel Wood, a writer for Canada's West magazine. Wood spent considerable time with Strong and on one particularly stunning occasion, Maurice Strong loosened up and let his guard down for a few, very revealing moments.

Here is how writer Daniel Wood describes a ride and conversation with Maurice Strong when visiting the ruggedly attractive Baca Grande ranch:

I leave the Baca with Strong, retracing our route of a week earlier. We pass the Lazy U Ranch and turn South on Highway 17. Strong tells me he has often wished he could write. He has a novel he'd like to do. It's something he has been thinking about for a decade. It would be a cautionary tale about the future.

'Each year,' he explains as background to the telling of the novel's plot, 'the World Economic Forum convenes in Davos, Switzerland. Over a thousand CEO'S, prime ministers, and leading academics gather in February to attend meetings and set economic agendas for the year ahead.'

With this as a setting, he then says, 'What if a small group of these world leaders were to form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse? It's February. They're all at Davos. These aren't terrorists. They're world leaders.'

'They have positioned themselves in the world's commodity and stock markets. They've engineered a panic, using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can't close. The rich countries' and Strong makes a slight motion with his fingers as
if he were flicking a cigarette butt out the window.

I sat there spellbound. This is not any storyteller talking. This is
Maurice Strong. He knows these world leaders. He is, in fact,
co-chairman of the Council of the World Economic Forum. He sits at the fulcrum of power. He is in a position to do it.

'I probably shouldn't be saying things like this,' he says. (West
(May 1990)

Unlike most of his peers in the Illuminati fraternity, who rarely display their anger or emotion in public, Strong is well known for openly expressing his dreams and frustrations. Obviously, this man is a true believer: he wants World Government and centralized authority now - and he's ready to do whatever it takes to hasten the process.

The Brotherhood has long been content to subvert and conquer its opposition bit-by-bit and piece-by-piece. It has shrewdly stayed behind the scenes in the calculated hope that by its stealth and by the covert nature of its operations, potential opposition would not become suspicious nor would enemies to its sinister goals be provoked and aroused. The Secret Brotherhood's long-range strategy has proven itself again and again.

Still, while Maurice Strong's threat of a global coup d'état is not entirely unrealistic, the scenario he paints so vividly of a group of powerful, super-rich conspirators who meet each year to plan the world's economic and political future deciding to go for the jugular could just happen!

This conspiratorial group does exist, and its eventual aims are, indeed, exactly as Strong depicts. Their goal is to accumulate most all of this planet's wealth and power under their wings. They intend to become our masters, our benefactors, and our gods.


Now consider this astonishing fact: Maurice Strong, the co-chairman of the powerful World Economic Forum, the chairman of the Earth Summit event, and the head of the United Nations Environment Programme, is reportedly a devotee and a stout believer in the teachings of the Sri Aurobindo cult! (2)

Strong, a fabulously rich man, has also built a great and sacred temple to the sun god at his ranch in the Baca Grande of Colorado. Both he and his wife, Hanne, are fervent New Agers.

Reportedly, Mrs. Strong believes that her 10-year-old grandson is the reincarnation of an 11th century Tibetan Buddhist monk named Rechung Dorje Drakpa.

Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev also has his own Hindu guru, Sri Chinmoy, who mentors and guides him in the new spiritual ways. And Gorbachev, too, has demonstrated his own New Age beliefs and learnings (3). So quite obviously, if Strong and Gorbachev are any indication and they are! - the mystical foundations of the elitist membership of the Secret Brotherhood are deeply rooted in Hindu and New Age mythologies and religious dogma. These mythologies and dogma are based in a 'god of forces,' pictured to be the great, central Sun. The religion of the Illuminati is of the ancient Solar Tradition of Mystery Babylon.


In 1984, this same group of nine influential leaders [The Secret Brotherhood] of the Illuminati met once again in France. Renewing their vows, they dedicated themselves to their goal of a New World Order to encompass the entire globe. The nine individuals, who believe themselves to be a sacred nobility and the forbearers of a new type of man, also gave their Order a new name. In French that name is L'Ordre International Chevaleresque, Tradition Solaire, which, translated in English is the International Order of Chivalry, Solar Tradition (4).

It is interesting that Thomas Ehrenzeller, a director of the World Federalists Association, an influential group founded by the late Norman Cousins that has as its chief goal the setting up of World Government, wrote a book in 1976 entitled Solar Man. In that book, Ehrenzeller put forth a startling blueprint for exactly how the Secret Brotherhood intended to achieve the unity of all nations under one central authority (5).

The plan [of the Secret Brotherhood] calls first for organizing the earth into regions (beginning with the European Community, with the Americas and others to follow), the breakdown and dissolution of the old Soviet communist empire, and finally, a strengthened United Nations with global military capability (6).

All of these planks of the Brotherhood's plan have enjoyed 198 new world order shockingly accurate fulfilment. The surprising, recent developments in the formation of the Europe Economic Community, NAFTA, and the resounding fall of communism and breakup of the Soviet Union, were exactly what Ehrenzeller had prescribed in Solar Man.

In fact, the term 'Solar' is an illuminist code-word. George Bush's 'Thousand Points of Light' phrase (7) is also a byproduct of the 'Solar Tradition' and the plan of the Illuminati to exalt 'Solar Man'. Bush's phrase literally means the sparks of divinity within illuminized, perfected man. Such men constitute the nobility who are to rule and manage our planet.

The ascendance to the pinnacle of global power of the Secret Brotherhood will, its members believe, mean that the Holy Roman Empire of the caesars be once again restored to its former heights of glory. The building of the New Rome has long been the dream of the Illuminati.

In the book The Household of the Grail, Robin Waterfield proposes that his yearning for the return of the imperial tradition is the key to what motivates the secret societies. For the secret societies, Waterfield writes:

The Holy Roman Empire was restauratio and continuatio (to be restored and continued) which in its meaning implies a restoration of the Roman movement toward a world-wide 'solar' synthesis, a restoration which logically, implies transcending Christianity (8).

'Transcending Christianity' means to go beyond it, to leave it behind, to recognize it as lacking in value and no longer useful to humanity. The Illuminati despise true, traditional Christianity. This is why Maurice Strong has stated: 'It must be clear that if the world is to change, Christianity must change.’ (9)

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