
Les Relations des Jésuites contiennent 6 tomes et défont le mythe du bon Sauvage de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et aussi des légendes indiennes pour réclamer des territoires, ainsi que la fameuse «spiritualité amérindienne».

mercredi, juin 06, 2007

377-378 10 February 1968

Do you realize that I told you many times that the UN have two men in view in Canada as their stooges, namely Pierre Elliott Trudeau and René Lévesque, leaders of two opposite camps, but agents of the same plot: to contribute to form a One-World Government. Lévesque is the King of French Canada. He sold his new book, Option-Québec, and had the biggest success in book sales ever: 53,000 copies within three weeks. Already translated into English and having nearly as good a success in Toronto as in Montréal.

My dear little girl, those successes do not HAPPEN SPONTANEOUSLY. It is well prepared, cooked up behind the scenes by the plotters. CBC and other publicity media gave a colossal publicity to Lévesque, because those media are controlled.

Same for Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Who could have guessed a week ago that Toronto would go so wild in favour of Trudeau as the new Liberal leader? Within a few days he went way ahead of Paul Martin, Mitchell Sharp, MacEachren, Turner, Winters and what have you. Toronto acclaimed him as the undisputed choice of the coming April Liberal Convention.

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