
Les Relations des Jésuites contiennent 6 tomes et défont le mythe du bon Sauvage de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et aussi des légendes indiennes pour réclamer des territoires, ainsi que la fameuse «spiritualité amérindienne».

mercredi, juin 06, 2007


by Thérèse Tardif
(Quebec, Canada)

Tearing Canada apart, separating it from Quebec, would be a disaster for all French Canadians.
This would create new borders, with all the complications that this entails: passports, customs between Quebec and Ontario and New Brunswick. We want to continue to be able to travel freely throughout our great country.
If Quebec separates from Canada, it means that the Frenchs-peaking Quebecers will abandon the wealth and history of Canada that belongs to them, as well as to every Canadian.

If Quebec separates from Canada, it will turn the English Canadians against the French Quebecers, and bring about a civil war that would kill us and destroy all our goods.

The separatists say that Quebec must secede from Canada in order to be freed from the English, but this is not a logical argument. Canada is made up of several races; if each race asks to secede and form its own country, Canada would be divided into more than 50 countries!

The separatists are even talking about changing the Canadian Constitution. The Constitution belongs to the Canadian people. It protects our rights and freedoms. It has kept Canada in peace now for 127 years, and it has allowed the French Canadians of Quebec to keep their language and Christian Faith. It is the Quebec separatists themselves who work to destroy our Faith, which is the very basis of the foundation of our country, and which makes it strong.

If Quebec separates from Canada, Quebecers will become poorer, and it will even lead Quebec to destruction. May God save us from such a calamity!

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