
Les Relations des Jésuites contiennent 6 tomes et défont le mythe du bon Sauvage de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et aussi des légendes indiennes pour réclamer des territoires, ainsi que la fameuse «spiritualité amérindienne».

jeudi, juin 07, 2007

372-373 12 July 1967

The RCMP information was most valuable. The leftist elements are behind every subversive activity you can think of. UP, of course, carried the news of the Queen's visit in Montréal, referring to 'the Government having taken all measures to protect the Queen against this rabidly anti-English Québec Province.' The Queen has been heckled in England, in Scotland, Wales just because it is part of the plot of world conspiracy to do away with all vestiges of Christian Royalty. In Québec City, the little riot that took place was directed by this same internationalist group from the USA and other countries.

About that question of Québec vs. the Queen, I was giving a lecture in Las Vegas one Sunday night and an American stood up and said: 'Is there a chance that Canada will soon get her complete independence from Britain?' I said that Canada is just as independent from Britain as the USA is. The only difference is that Canadians have accepted the Queen of England as the Queen of Canada.

The day the Canadian Parliament will decide to sever its link with the British Royalty will be entirely up to us, as it was for South Africa and other former parts of the former Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is a free association of nations. In fact, today England is much more dependent on us than we are on Britain. I honestly wish that Canada could be as independent from Washington as she is from London. The only country which is restricting our freedom is the USA, and I say this without the slightest slant of Anti-American feelings.

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