RCMP Undercover Officer Patrick Walsh
There are certain assumptions in the article below which are not immediately explicit. Patrick Walsh, in his brilliant analysis of the subversive activity that has been going on in Canada for at least fifty years, concentrates on the 'mask' of communism rather than the reality that mask was designed to conceal. When the words 'Soviet', 'Communist', or 'Russian' are used, what is really meant is the new world order, since the Bolshevik Revolution and the creation of the Soviet Union were only stages in its PLAN to achieve mastery over the entire world.
The strategy for Russia was to be a take-over from without. The strategy for Canada and the United States was to be a take-over from within, through 'members of the public service’ working with 'Russian agents'.
Those are the words of Igor Gouzenko, a code and cipher clerk in the Russian Embassy in Ottawa in the forties, who on 5 September 1945 became alarmed by something he has seen in the files. He decided to flee the Soviet Embassy, taking with him more than one hundred secret documents, and finally contacting, with RCMP help, the Prime Minister, MacKenzie King. King granted him asylum in Canada and appeared in Parliament to defend his decision:
Those are the words of the Prime Ministert o the Canadian Parliament in September 1945: 'supreme power', 'vast espionage plot, 'totalitarian government', 'vast plot': to what is the Prime Minister referring? He makes no reference to the Second World War, or to the First World War to which the Second World War was connected. No, the 'vast espionage plot' seems vaster than the two World Wars. What could it be? Certainly not the passing of atomic secrets (as a recent book, Spy Wars, by Canadians Jack Granatstein and David Stafford, claims) for, as Mr. Griffin has shown in The Descent of Slavery, the atomic and hydrogen bomb secrets had been passed directly from the Rasputin of the White House, Harry Hopkins, to the third man in the Kremlin, Mikoyan.The first intimation of the existence of a widespread espionage plot in Canada came from Igor Gouzenko, a cipher clerk in the Soviet Embassy. Mr. Gouzenko had nothing to gain by his disclosure. He sought no reward that would compensate for the fear that would haunt him, fear not only for himself but for his wife and child.
His statement to the police set forth the motives of his action. He had been impressed by the contrast between life in Canada and life in his own country. When he came here two years ago he had been surprised by the freedom of the people and the working of democratic institutions. He had seen what Canada was doing to help Russia with munitions, money and food, while affording him and others every facility that could be extended in the way of freedom. As a result he felt he could no longer keep silent about what was happening. He told the police that 'what was being created in Canada was a Fifth Column, and that it was being created through Russian agents in contact with members of the public service.
Mr. King told Parliament he believed this description of his motives was true, but what he attached importance to was not the individual and what he said, but the documents which were produced. The documents are unquestionably of the first importance as evidence of a vast plot, but the story of the individual's motives contains for the people of Canada a lesson which, improperly learned, would make them proofs against all such plots in the future.
The lesson is in the fact that a man who knows life under the Soviet and who has seen life in Canada, could not tolerate the thought that the freedom which human beings enjoy here should be stamped out by a totalitarian government.There are people who think that there is no danger to Canada in Russia's ambition, and many who believe that even if Moscow dominated the world it would not interfere with liberty here. They are living in a fool's paradise. The plan of world revolution, which has never been abandoned by Moscow for a moment, contemplates a purge in all countries as ruthless as any of the purges that have been carried out in any of the satellites of the Soviet or in Russia herself. In Toronto it is taught, as part of the campaign of 'understanding' Russia, that such purges are pardonable and proper if carried out by Communists against the 'bourgeois.' Innocent students are led to believe that the bourgeois - the term as understood by radicals means those who have private property interests are a criminal class which deserves to be exterminated.
It is this teaching that persuades Canadians who know nothing by actual experience of life under the Soviet system that it would be a praiseworthy action to help the Moscow government in its struggle for supreme power. Others believe that whatever happens elsewhere, nothing disastrous can happen here. Mr. Gouzenko, who has known life in both countries and who has been in the Soviet secret service, knows what is intended and what may happen. To prevent it from happening, and to preserve what he had learned to prize, he dared death for himself and his family (1).’
Was it the spread of a political doctrine - Communism? Hardly! Not the spread of Communism, but what Communism was designed as an instrument to achieve: a new world order, the imposition of a man-made blueprint onto the rest of mankind with all the ruthlessness that this implies.
In his first book, This Was My Choice (Toronto and Vancouver, 1948), Gouzenko writes of the strategic plan that lay ahead:
The Soviet strategy was apparent where, previously, it had been obscured by my Communist-trained mind.
The strategy consisted in having Soviet spokesmen or their unofficial minions hold forth on every occasion - and especially international conferences - about peace and security. This was the verbal smoke-screen for active and vigorous preparation for the third world war!
I could see that, for purposes of weakening the rear, the Soviet Government was industriously engaged in establishing a Fifth Column in Canada. Even diplomatic representatives were taking part, and the Communist Party within Canada had been changed from a political party into a Fifth Column for use in case of war. Meanwhile, during the peace period, this Fifth Column's work was to create unrest, particularly in labour ranks.
Canada, then, was warned as early as 1945 that 'vigorous preparations' were taking place within the country for nothing less than a 'third world war' which presumably - at some stage or other - would be waged against Canadian citizens. The Prime Minister was shown the evidence by the RCMP. In the situation, he had no other choice but to inform Parliament and the country. What, we may ask, has happened since?
In the remarkable text below, Pat Walsh reveals that the key Gouzenko files are still secret, and that one of Trudeau's last acts as Prime Minister was to ensure that the files would be sealed for another twenty years, bamboozling his naive successor, Joe Clark, into an agreement on the matter. This suggests that the conspirators have been successful in deflecting the alarm, that the perpetrators of the plot are still at large and the subversion still going on, with an unbroken line back to the forties and beyond, probably as far as the planning sessions in New York in 1917 where the destruction of Russia, Canada, and the United States was planned.
Implicated in the 'plot' is not only MacKenzie King, but almost every Canadian Prime Minister since then. A young Russian risked his life to warn Canada of peril. Our politicians have made sure that the Canadian people, towards whom the threat was directed, have never been told.