Don't walk ahead of me,
I might not follow,
Don't walk behind me,
I might not lead,
f you walk beside me
I'll be your friend!
lower canadian to upper canadian: Here's your hat!
upper canadian: What's your hurry?
man it obian:
Turn your hat around
so I'll think
you're coming back.
Newfoundlander (after cornering three triple agents):
Who is the even
Man out?
Or raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatha,
W+hat makes a triple agent?
You think I'm your friend,
I am not but I am.
newbrunswicker: We learn by the mistakes of others,
lowercanadian: If we live and don't weaken.
novascotian: Let us go then,
britishcolumbian: You an' I?
novascotian: To where the rubber meets the road.
lowercanadian: En la boca cerrada no entra la mosca:
uppercanadian: In the closed mouth no fly will enter.
If somebody told you
He was a liar,
Would you believe him?
Or raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatha,
What's a double?
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\sas ketch a wan woman: A double is a schizo- Phrenic: you think I'm Yourfriend,
I'm a phony.
How can I be a friend
If I'm a double?
I have seen them
Play their cards
- Both sides -
With such perfection
That I am bore-