And God looked down from the heavensAnd He saw IT.
God saw what the enemy of his creation WAS.
And he saw that IT was not just the heads of the corporations or the heads of the military.
He saw IT was the people who sat and watched on television what was happening in Iraq without fear and trembling for their own children.
He saw those that watched IT on television without fear and trembling copulate with others who had watched IT without fear and trembling.
And he watched them get up on Sunday, and go to church without a scream in their throats.
He watched them go to work on Monday, to the office, the hospital, and all the work places, and He watched them maintaining their capacity to pretend they had not seen what they had seen.
And He pondered.
He saw the few, still human with what they had seen, in a grief so terrible that they had become impotent in the face of such evil.
So He struck.
And he struck the children of the people who had decided not to see what they had seen. He struck the children first, and he struck them first because they were still innocent and deserved not the terror of watching their parents die before them, even though that had been the way IT had happened on television.
And the children sickened, would not play, their joints hurt, their skin became hot, and they died.
And the parents of the children began to weep and wail, and God watched with indifference, as they had not wept for the other children, even though He had told them time and again,
"Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me."
And after all the children of the people who had pretended not to know had died, God sent forth cancer, and rays of death through the T.V. screens, and the streets became empty, and the lights went out, and only the fireflies flickered.
And then he opened the doors of hell, where the heads of staff and state were already burning, and threw with them the people who had watched IT on television without fear and trembling, and He suffered all the children to fly like angels to heaven, and Peace reigned on His creation at last.
Josie Wallenius
Thunder Bay, Ontario