
Les Relations des Jésuites contiennent 6 tomes et défont le mythe du bon Sauvage de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et aussi des légendes indiennes pour réclamer des territoires, ainsi que la fameuse «spiritualité amérindienne».

dimanche, janvier 27, 2008


Dans ce qui suit, il y a une sérieuse accusation contre le Vatican: s’être associé avec la Franc-Maçonnerie pour défaire le communisme en Russie. Ç’a ne tient pas à l’analyse. Pie XII avait prédit l’effondrement du communisme avant la lettre entre 1954 et 1958. L’effondrement du communisme était inévitable, avec ou sans l’aide de l’Église catholique. Aussi, le même texte stipule que ce sont les églises américaines qui ont financé la révolution en Pologne. Depuis quand les églises américaines sont-elles d’obédience maçonnique?

Ceci dit, les francs-maçons ont infiltré l’Église à son plus haut niveau et nous le savons. Quand un cardinal catholique se met à trouver tout plein de vertus à la laïcité, il ne faut pas être plus naïf que l’agneau qui vient de naître. Les homosexuels ont aussi infiltré le clergé, ainsi que les féministes.

Il faut se méfier de certaines informations qui sont contradictoires. C’est une des faiblesses de l’auteur de ce livre, Corruption in Canada. Il recevait beaucoup d’information de toute part, mais souvent ce n’était que pour l’induire en erreur. Donc, quand on accuse le Vatican, c’est-à-dire du pape lui-même de collusion avec la franc-maçonnerie, il faut des preuves plus importantes et sérieuses que celles présentées plus bas.

La Pologne est un pays à grande majorité catholique. Il était normal qu’un pape polonais veule combattre un régime communiste. C’est le contraire qui aurait été bizarre.

Mais encore, Hitler a aussi berner bien du monde en leur laissant croire qu’il les protégerait du communisme. À ses débuts, bien des catholiques, tant le clergé que les laïcs, le prenaient pour un défenseur de la liberté. Avons-nous oublié que Hitler présidait les Olympiades à Berlin en 1936 et que le Premier ministre de l’Angleterre l’appelait Monsieur Hitler? Et Mussolini alors? Le fait d’avoir pris Hitler pour ce qu’il n’était pas fait-il de ses anciens admirateurs des méchants nazi antisémites? Je pense plutôt que ceux qui militent en faveur de l’avortement et de l’euthanasie sont beaucoup plus proches du nazisme que quiconque.
En résumé, de laisser sous-entendre que le Vatican, en tant que tel, a signé un pacte avec le diable, est grotesque. Mais cela n’exclut pas que des sommes puissent avoir été détournées vers les goussets de la franc-maçonnerie au passage. Le Vatican est pauvre, mais la Franc-Maçonnerie est riche, contrairement à la croyance populaire.

Jacques Clouseau

In any case, it was in the same year - 1976 - that the double Illuminati strategy of 'undermining from within, assault from without' began in earnest. Why? If the Illuminati were already in control of the Soviet Union, as they had been since the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917?

It seems as if the proverbial fly had appeared in the ointment in the person of British superspy Kim Philby, always a middle man between Soviet and American intelligence, and who, in the nineteen-sixties, appears to have penetrated Soviet Intelligence, prompting an exodus of Jews from Russia to America in the early seventies. What the Illuminati feared was that the natives in the Soviet Union would seize control of the superstructure that had been built up from the blood of sixty million slaughtered Soviets over sixty years. It had to be dismantled: thus - it seems - the meeting with the Bilderbergers, the pinpointing of Poland as the 'Achilles heel' of the Communist bloc, and a decision that broke a convention of almost two thousand years: to put a Polish Pope in the Vatican.

Like the Bolshevik Revolution, Solidarnosc (Solidarity, or 'Operation Poland' as it came to be known in the Vatican) was initiated on this side of the Atlantic. The name for the 'trade union' was actually chosen by the Committee of 300's Zbigniew Brzezinski (who was to become President Carter's Advisor on National Security) who also selected the office holders and organizers. Dr. Coleman of British Intelligence writes in The Committee of 300: 'Solidarity is no 'labor' movement, although Gdansk shipyard workers were used to launch it, but rather, it was a high-profile POLITICAL organization, created to bring forced changes in preparation for the advent of the One-World Government' (pp.48-9). Solidarity was launched through the American Catholic bishops. The Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago, Patrick John Cody, and his assistant Paul Marcinkos (later to become Director of IOR) took the initiative 'to fight Communism' with all the vigour and paranoia that Americans are capable of. Already in 1976 the dollars were flowing to Poland, and in December 1978 John Paul II is said to have offered Cody a job in Rome which Cody refused.

An interesting dimension of this new onslaught against 'Communism' was that the American churches joined forces with one of its traditional enemies, Freemasonry. Professor Aldo Mola, director of the Masonic History Center of Italy and author of a well-documented book on Italian Freemasonry, states:

It has been proven and certified that American lodges sent money to Solidarnosc. American Masonry used its Italian counterpart to this end. The lodges and the Church were used in the American design to defeat the Communist regimes of eastern Europe. Movements like Solidamosc or Charta '77 in Poland could not have survived on just sentiment. One person who played a direct part in the affair and whose credibility I have no reason to doubt confided in me. He said that in the decisive years for Lech Walesa's labour union the Italian lodge, the Grande Oriente, was the physical channel for flows of money to the young Polish democracy, flows that were vital if the movement was to continue despite repression under General Wojciech Jaruzelski's regime. Italian Masonry was the vehicle for the transfer of funds to certain terminals from where they were filtered to Poland. I am referring to the Church. The Church and Masonry certainly collaborated on this. Some of the
fundamental steps of the Vatican's Ostpolitik were financed by Freemasonry.

Priests within the Vatican were asked to lend their names for accounts which were opened at a Swiss bank where the Solidarnosc funds were deposited before they were transferred to Poland. In a March 1992 interview with 30 Days, General Jaruzelski acknowledged:

The Church assisted Solidamosc greatly. Parishes, for example, became the headquarters for meetings of Solidamosc activists and for turning out numerous publications. We were fully aware that a river of aid for Solidamosc was flowing in from the West and especially from the United States - millions of dollars in cash and equipment . (5)

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