
Les Relations des Jésuites contiennent 6 tomes et défont le mythe du bon Sauvage de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et aussi des légendes indiennes pour réclamer des territoires, ainsi que la fameuse «spiritualité amérindienne».

lundi, décembre 24, 2007


Pour les sceptiques qui douteraient que ce qui suit puisse jamais arriver, je vous rappelle que lors des émeutes en France, le gouvernement français n’avait plus les moyens de payer sa police. Je ne parle pas du budget de l’État français, mais de sa capacité de payer les forces de l’ordre. Et Guy Fournier, en bon laîciste du Mouvement Laïque Québécois, le fils du Mouvement Laîque Français, donc une organisation externe de la Franc-Maçonnerie, nous présente la France comme un exemple de la réussite de la laïcité. (Jacques Clouseau)

Are you aware that all major grocery stores, gas stations, clothing stores and hardware stores have only approximately 5 days of goods in reserve? After the collapse, there will be no produce or services of any kind, no effective police force. Crime will jump 1000%; there will be no army to help patrol the ravaged streets because the national government will no longer exist to order or pay them for their services. You will not be safe in the cities, towns or indeed anywhere in the southern parts of Canada.

There will be no garbage pickup or disposal, no electricity, sewage or water services. You have less than two years before this total hell starts.
As you read this I can hear you saying, "This can never happen in our great country. Our politicians won't let it happen." Well, friends, 90% of Canadians believe the government will eventually save them from their problems, but it won't - it can't. If the politicians told the truth, they would have to confess that it is too late to do anything to stop what is ahead. Don't listen to politicians when they say things will be better next year.

It is high time someone like me came along and told you the truth. There is no way out. All you can do is to start to prepare for it and by doing that you might just make it through alive.

I tell you this: nothing in your life experiences can prepare you for what is about to happen. If you and your family are not ready for the hell that is coming then - shall I put it simply? - all of you will perish.

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