C’est que la «victime» venait de passer du bon temps en prison. Elle n’a jamais manqué de partenaires homosexuels, comme elle. Une photo la montrait devant un gâteau d’anniversaire, accompagnée de sa «copine». Le gouvernement a eu de la misère à faire croire que la pauvre Karla, la nouvelle Aurore l’enfant martyr du Québec, avait des remords. Elle n’a jamais d’ailleurs regretté ses gestes. Elle cadre bien avec les autres lesbiennes et meurtriers d’enfants qui opèrent légalement dans les abattoirs pour enfants des faiseurs d’anges.
Jacques Clouseau
The details revealed at the Homolka trial were so unsavory that the judge in question, backed up by the Government, placed a ban on 'publication of the circumstances of the death of any person referred to in the trial'.
Who is he or who are the Government that they should dictate to 26 million Canadians what to read or what not to read, what to talk about or what not to talk about, especially when it involves the death of three children, the rape of nineteen more, and perhaps the rape and murder of many more whose mutilated and 'dismembered' bodies will probably never be found. Is it his intention to protect these alleged serial killers, to sweep it under the carpet? The priority of Canadians is: what happened to these children? How were their bodies 'dismembered' and why?
Of course the whole ban - or to use that silly buzz word 'gag' - was ludicrous. The grisly details were released in the tabloids south of the border and Canadians were allowed to cross the border like controlled cattle 'to take one paper home' - one. Any more were seized by Canadian Customs. In this day and age of photocopying, this is ludicrous Why were the Canadians so sheepish? It was galling enough to have to suffer the collective guilt of these profane murders, but to have to go to another country to read about them was the ultimate indignity, the ultimate demonstration that our free will has been taken away from us as well.
The whole arrangements for the trials seem to have been very carefully orchestrated by the Canadian Authorities. For example one correspondent writes:
The Crown obtained this publication ban not to protect Paul's right to a fair trial, but in order to keep secret the lack of evidence against him, and particulars of the plea bargain with Homolka away from any public scrutiny. If Homolka changes her mind and fails to testify, the crown prosecutors will probably lose the case against Bemardo. This prompted Ken Murray, Bemardo's lawyer, to say that the Attorney General made 'a pact with the devil'. Without Karla Homolka's evidence, it is highly probable that Bemardo will get off.
Recently, the Attorney General decided not to hold a preliminary hearing in the trial of Bernardo. This is a serious departure from standard judicial procedures. The Attorney General's plan is to hold the full trial sometime in 1995. Probably this will benefit the Provincial government of Bob Rae to avoid public scrutiny and embarrassment until after Provincial elections are held. There are other revelations as well.